Umphrey’s McGee 6-7-13

Umphrey’s McGee took charge of Red Rock Amphitheater with authority and put on a show to rival any preceding it.  This is no longer the new kids on the block’s band, but rather a road-tested cast and crew ready to own Red Rocks.  And, they did.  The music was tight, well-orchestrated, and left no doubt of their intentions.  Lighting guru Jefferson Waful left his mark on the place, putting on a show better than any I have seen before it.  I always felt that Phish was the best light show of any band currently touring, but with Waful at the helm Umphrey’s McGee has sailed off into a sunset only Jefferson could have painted, far surpassing anything else I have seen….and I see a few shows.  Top tier bands better take note, UM is coming on strong with a constant stream of fresh new ideas, songs, and means of experiencing it all.

I was on assignment for Listen Up Denver! with Gary Mellini.  Read his full review featuring some of my images here:

UM 2013-06-07-40-3054

UM 2013-06-07-40-3054

UM 2013-06-07-36-3022

UM 2013-06-07-36-3022

UM 2013-06-07-19-2889

UM 2013-06-07-19-2889

UM 2013-06-07-08-2784

UM 2013-06-07-08-2784

UM 2013-06-07-16-2862

UM 2013-06-07-16-2862

UM 2013-06-07-12-2812

UM 2013-06-07-12-2812

UM 2013-06-07-28-2989

UM 2013-06-07-28-2989

UM 2013-06-07-39-3048

UM 2013-06-07-39-3048

UM 2013-06-07-09-2793

UM 2013-06-07-09-2793

UM 2013-06-07-14-2848

UM 2013-06-07-14-2848

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-15-2652

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-15-2652

UM 2013-06-07-46-3098

UM 2013-06-07-46-3098

UM 2013-06-07-42-3063

UM 2013-06-07-42-3063

UM 2013-06-07-06-2716

UM 2013-06-07-06-2716

UM 2013-06-07-07-2776

UM 2013-06-07-07-2776

UM 2013-06-07-17-2870

UM 2013-06-07-17-2870

UM 2013-06-07-43-3065

UM 2013-06-07-43-3065

UM 2013-06-07-20-2896

UM 2013-06-07-20-2896

UM 2013-06-07-24-2957

UM 2013-06-07-24-2957

UM 2013-06-07-05-2687

UM 2013-06-07-05-2687

UM 2013-06-07-31-2995

UM 2013-06-07-31-2995

UM 2013-06-07-11-2807

UM 2013-06-07-11-2807

UM 2013-06-07-10-2796

UM 2013-06-07-10-2796

UM 2013-06-07-13-2844

UM 2013-06-07-13-2844

UM 2013-06-07-41-3061

UM 2013-06-07-41-3061

UM 2013-06-07-15-2851

UM 2013-06-07-15-2851

UM 2013-06-07-18-2871

UM 2013-06-07-18-2871

UM 2013-06-07-21-2899

UM 2013-06-07-21-2899

UM 2013-06-07-22-2937

UM 2013-06-07-22-2937

UM 2013-06-07-25-2960

UM 2013-06-07-25-2960

UM 2013-06-07-26-2982

UM 2013-06-07-26-2982

UM 2013-06-07-48-3163

UM 2013-06-07-48-3163

UM 2013-06-07-27-2984

UM 2013-06-07-27-2984

UM 2013-06-07-52-3218

UM 2013-06-07-52-3218

UM 2013-06-07-29-2992

UM 2013-06-07-29-2992

UM 2013-06-07-30-2993

UM 2013-06-07-30-2993

UM 2013-06-07-50-3212

UM 2013-06-07-50-3212

UM 2013-06-07-23-2938

UM 2013-06-07-23-2938

UM 2013-06-07-33-3003

UM 2013-06-07-33-3003

UM 2013-06-07-49-3208

UM 2013-06-07-49-3208

UM 2013-06-07-34-3005

UM 2013-06-07-34-3005

UM 2013-06-07-35-3016

UM 2013-06-07-35-3016

UM 2013-06-07-37-3036

UM 2013-06-07-37-3036

UM 2013-06-07-38-3040

UM 2013-06-07-38-3040

UM 2013-06-07-47-3155

UM 2013-06-07-47-3155

UM 2013-06-07-32-2997

UM 2013-06-07-32-2997

UM 2013-06-07-51-3213

UM 2013-06-07-51-3213

UM 2013-06-07-45-3091

UM 2013-06-07-45-3091

UM 2013-06-07-03-2456

UM 2013-06-07-03-2456

UM 2013-06-07-04-2683

UM 2013-06-07-04-2683

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-16-2656

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-16-2656

UM 2013-06-07-02-2454

UM 2013-06-07-02-2454

UM 2013-06-07-44-3073

UM 2013-06-07-44-3073

UM 2013-06-07-01-2428

UM 2013-06-07-01-2428

UM 2013-06-07-40-3054 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-36-3022 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-19-2889 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-08-2784 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-16-2862 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-12-2812 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-28-2989 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-39-3048 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-09-2793 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-14-2848 thumbnail
Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-15-2652 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-46-3098 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-42-3063 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-06-2716 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-07-2776 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-17-2870 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-43-3065 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-20-2896 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-24-2957 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-05-2687 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-31-2995 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-11-2807 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-10-2796 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-13-2844 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-41-3061 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-15-2851 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-18-2871 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-21-2899 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-22-2937 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-25-2960 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-26-2982 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-48-3163 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-27-2984 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-52-3218 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-29-2992 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-30-2993 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-50-3212 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-23-2938 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-33-3003 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-49-3208 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-34-3005 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-35-3016 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-37-3036 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-38-3040 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-47-3155 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-32-2997 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-51-3213 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-45-3091 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-03-2456 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-04-2683 thumbnail
Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-16-2656 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-02-2454 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-44-3073 thumbnail
UM 2013-06-07-01-2428 thumbnail

Delta Spirit and Dr. Dog opened the show and here are the images

Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-01-2201

Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-01-2201

Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-02-2206

Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-02-2206

Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-03-2210

Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-03-2210

Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-04-2221

Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-04-2221

Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-05-2252

Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-05-2252

Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-06-2269

Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-06-2269

Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-07-2274

Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-07-2274

Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-08-2278

Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-08-2278

Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-09-2282

Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-09-2282

Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-10-2287

Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-10-2287

Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-11-2314

Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-11-2314

Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-12-2327

Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-12-2327

Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-13-2341

Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-13-2341

Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-14-2352

Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-14-2352

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-01-2471

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-01-2471

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-02-2518

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-02-2518

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-03-2538

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-03-2538

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-04-2543

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-04-2543

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-05-2545

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-05-2545

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-06-2566

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-06-2566

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-07-2573

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-07-2573

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-08-2575

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-08-2575

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-09-2579

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-09-2579

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-10-2603

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-10-2603

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-11-2608

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-11-2608

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-12-2615

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-12-2615

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-13-2621

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-13-2621

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-14-2643

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-14-2643

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-15-2652

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-15-2652

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-16-2656

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-16-2656

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-17-2659

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-17-2659

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-18-2664

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-18-2664

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-19-2674

Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-19-2674

Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-01-2201 thumbnail
Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-02-2206 thumbnail
Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-03-2210 thumbnail
Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-04-2221 thumbnail
Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-05-2252 thumbnail
Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-06-2269 thumbnail
Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-07-2274 thumbnail
Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-08-2278 thumbnail
Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-09-2282 thumbnail
Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-10-2287 thumbnail
Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-11-2314 thumbnail
Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-12-2327 thumbnail
Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-13-2341 thumbnail
Delta Spirit 2013-06-07-14-2352 thumbnail
Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-01-2471 thumbnail
Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-02-2518 thumbnail
Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-03-2538 thumbnail
Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-04-2543 thumbnail
Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-05-2545 thumbnail
Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-06-2566 thumbnail
Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-07-2573 thumbnail
Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-08-2575 thumbnail
Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-09-2579 thumbnail
Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-10-2603 thumbnail
Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-11-2608 thumbnail
Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-12-2615 thumbnail
Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-13-2621 thumbnail
Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-14-2643 thumbnail
Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-15-2652 thumbnail
Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-16-2656 thumbnail
Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-17-2659 thumbnail
Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-18-2664 thumbnail
Dr.Dog 2013-06-07-19-2674 thumbnail

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